Ojibwa | Tea Of Life (4oz.)

Ojibwa | Tea Of Life (4oz.)


Ojibwa Tea of Life® is an essiac tea four-herb blend that is pure, non- irradiated, organically grown and affordable. Essiac (pronounced “es-ee-ack”) is an herb tea formula attributed to Canadian nurse Rene Caisse (reen-case) of Bracebridge Ontario, Canada.

• Rene claimed a miner’s wife seemingly cured of a serious health malady by an herb recipe given to her by “a very old Indian medicine man.” In 1922 Rene named the formula “Essiac” after the backward spelling of her own last name, Caisse. 

• For a time, the Canadian Minister of Health allowed her to treat certain patients in her own Bracebridge clinic, if their doctors had certified them as terminal.

• According to Rene, many of the people she treated reported they experienced a positive change in their wellness from using this remedy. Others claimed living with a terminal illness was made more bearable.

• Native American Medicine: Native Americans as well as most indigenous cultures believe Medicine, or the power to heal, is generated by Spiritual Practice. Medicine is prayer and ceremony.

• The tea and packing are done the old way with the practice of giving back to Mother Earth and prayers for health. We treat this herbal formula as a gift of nature with the intention to help all on a journey to wellness.

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